EFU Star Performer

EFU Star Performer – Feb 2016

Jahangir Ali

I joined EFU Life Assurance in October 1997. Now I am working as an Executive Senior Business Manager (ESBM). I have attended many company conferences, overseas conventions. I am a MDRT member and have attended MDRT meetings in many countries including USA.
I joined EFU Life because, I like to interact with people who have different thoughts and professions and EFU Life gave me respect, reward and recognition. I truly believe and feel blessed that, I represent the best insurance company with best insurance products available in Pakistan.
I always try to meet people who are interested in their future and for their loved ones, work with them to identify problems, find solutions that are tailored to their needs and provide exceptional services to my clients.


I love spending quality time with my family and enjoy with them. For the last few years, I have made my target to travel to a new country with my family once in a year, other than company’s organized overseas conventions.


Our managing director and CEO Mr. Taher G. Sachak whose leadership and vision always motivated me and enlightened my career. Life insurance profession is a service to humanity and everyone should contribute towards the well being of our society. We give clients the opportunities to keep their money which works effectively for them and their loved ones.


Life insurance business is a very challenging and rewarding for those who are sincere, honest and willing to make their dreams come true. To be on the top you are required to lead a disciplined life, consistency and have a positive mental attitude. Accept the challenges, never give up and your destination would be over the skies.

Jahangir Ali
Executive Senior Business Manager
Karachi Faisal
EFU LIFE Assurance Ltd
